Wednesday, 11 June 2008

"We'd had a lively discussion in the office about whether to buy you book tokens for a Christian bookshop or to buy, you know, secular book tokens"

One of those throwaway comments that inadvertently manages to encapsulate a decade*.

They'd decided for my last day to buy me tokens for the local Christian book shop to thank God for my hard work for them.

I'm sitting with the cat, the laptop and a bottle of wine, browsing the CLC website**.

* The explanation for this statement has been removed by the blog administrator as it may have led to Grace's former place of employment launching libel action against her. Please address all queries to God instead.

** How 'bout this for a purchase?


Naomi J. said...

Heh. I love the idea that you might spend the book tokens on that. Enjoy! Oh and let me know if it's worth a read.

grace said...

I didn't... it wasn't in the shop. But I bought some nice things. Shouldn't have complained, really.