Monday 16 June 2008


Day 5 now of jobless, workless, economic inactivity. It's not that I believe one needs to be generating an income to be of benefit to society. It's just that, well... it's a bit, er, quiet here on my own. I might have to start watching Jeremy Kyle.

So far, though, my job/work/beneficialitytosociety-seeking has not gone badly...

[edit to prevent any potential employer finding me here...]

And I'm wondering, what do other people who walk out of church jobs do?

1. I knew someone who trained as a school RS teacher. How he found it, I don't know...

2. I knew someone else who trained as a secular vocalist and ended up, I think, in a local emo/goth band. Given my musical abilities, not even worth going there.

3. I knew someone else who had three (more) children and looked after them at home whilst his girfriend (on whose account he lost the job) went out to work.

4. I knew someone else who went back to studying and publishing on the Bible. Hmmmm. But as in, how many jobs are there in the UK doing that?

5. I knew someone else who got ordained in a different denomination. He had to move house because of the graffiti and things thrown at his windows... yes, in Britain this century.

The answer is, I don't really know, or don't know what I'm doing at all...

*Grace resumes searching for her scanner cable, and puts the kettle back on*

1 comment:

Naomi J. said...

Well, your previous blog's title now rather suits this one again... Best of luck with the jobhunting. No idea what a former church worker does with their lives. Someone on the Ouch messageboard (you should so hang out there occasionally, you know) is having a very similar dilemma. If he comes up with an idea, I'll let you know!