Monday, 12 November 2007


What would happen to Christianity, if it began to base itself on the love of Christ rather than the sin of humanity (ie Creation Spirituality as opposed to Original Sin-centred religion)?

If so, what would happen to the Church, without guilt as a mechanism for enforcing conformity?

Therefore, is his grace (2 Corinthians 12:7-9) really sufficient for us...?

Either way, can one ever create a community based purely on love without descending into control-freakery, anarchy or bullying the free-thinkers?


Naomi J. said...

Oooh... Now that's an interesting question.

I only wish I had an answer.

grace said...

So do I! I'd imagine that one could only find out by trying it out, or by observing/visiting/attempting to join what has already been tried

*grace has a look on google*