Friday, 16 November 2007

a job what i want

... what was advertised today.

Points in its favour
1. It's at an LEP [local evangelical partnership - an amalgamation of several churches each from a different denomination] and therefore in theory making a virtue of being all broad-minded and tolerant.
2. One of my best friends ever goes to the church attached. This may or may not be an advantage in getting me an interview (and of course, it shouldn't be), but it certainly indicates that they're nice people.
3. It's just round the corner from Fiance's so I would be working within a community. And I wouldn't be generating carbon emissions getting there (*grace is currently seeking all possible theological justification for pre-marital cohabitation*). And I'd be doing my bit for social inclusiveness by taking the shortcut through the grounds of the local mental hospital to and from work.
4. The pay is rather good. For the voluntary sector, anyway.

Points against
1. They want someone with management experience (*grace does not possess this*).
2. They want someone with two years of management experience (*grace does not possess this, either*).
3. Ideally, they would prefer someone with five years management experience (*you can see what's coming*)


Naomi J. said...

Heh. Well, I hope you go for it, and that you get it.

grace said...

I'm guessing that they'll soon be looking for other staff. And I have my mole on the inside, so to speak.