Thursday 21 August 2008

Normal service will shortly be resumed...

... but for the moment, I need a few days away from blogging here. In light of all of the offline fallout from our Church Search* and my blogging about it**, it feels somehow wrong that I should carry on blogging here without doing anything about it. Not that I know, however, what to do about it... but I'm hoping that God might have some suggestions.

I'll be back Tuesday, after the Bank Holiday weekend. I'll still be lurking, paranoidedly checking for sudden clusters of local pageloads and troll comments... but in the meantime, I'll put all of the non-contentious "church search" and "place of former employment" posts back.

* basically, Beloved and I visiting a lot of local churches with a view to finding one in which he as well as I is welcome to participate
** not that (I'm fairly certain) any of our detractors have read even found this blog to read anything I've written


Anonymous said...

I look forward to your return. Enjoy the long weekend.

Erika Baker said...

Are you saying you had a lot of troll posts since you set the blog to moderation? I so hope not!
Prayers for peace.
Lots of love.

Anonymous said...

Good luck, and take care.


Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

I'm so sorry this is happening. Have a good weekend and try not to worry about it.

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

My award is up.

Hope you're having a good weekend.