Monday, 11 August 2008

Grace's Spiritual Homemaking challenge: Update #2

Well, I accomplished all the various replacements of household items. But, in the midst of how stressed I was getting with it all, I ended up arguing with Beloved. Not the intention of the exercise. Oh dear. Bad, bad start.

I might have to curl up and watch some Veggie Tales before I resume in the bathroom. Good clean fun and all, anyway...


Naomi J. said...

Yay! Keep the Veggie Tales coming!

Seriously, though. Where do Christians get the idea that 'being a good wife' is about making the house tidy? That's social constructionism - modernist paradigms of Victorian origin that really have nothing to do with either Christianity or being an acceptable spouse.*

It's all different when you're both of the same gender, you know. Especially when the one of you who wanted to take responsibility for house cleaning and suchlike is now disabled.

We got a cleaner.

*(See lilwatchergirl trip over big words that she doesn't quite understand, but tries to.)

grace said...

*lol* Very true!

And I'm still sitting here...