Saturday 2 August 2008

Grace and Beloved's ChurchSearch Week 6.75: St Pixels

St Pixels being the online "church" sponsored by the UK Methodists.

Friendly people. I think I'll stick around and try and get to know the place. If I were still failing to get on in any local church, I'd be happy to make it my main or regular fellowship. As much, though, as I enjoy all most quiet and reflective forms of devotion, the silent sessions in the chatroom-style worship do seem something of an oxymoron. I'd be curious to see what happened if someone were to start *leaping around in joy* and shouting 'HALLELUJAH' and 'PRAISE THE LORD'. Maybe there still remains an inner charismatic in me, waiting to be suitably disinhibited to jump around a bit. Maybe, after all these weeks of normal, sensible parish C of Es and sedate ecumenical partnerships and friendly informal groups, maybe it's time for us to investigate something a bit louder tomorrow morning..?

(If anyone out there's ever at St Pixels, I'm gracegrace on there... my avatar's got lots of blonde hair and sneaks a cup of tea into each prayer meeting. Come and introduce yourself to me...)


Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

I went to their site but clicked away quickly. I cannot wrap my mind around the concept of online worship. Must be too old.

Erika Baker said...

My main problem with evangelical churches is precisely the Hallelujah and Praise the Lord stuff. What I love about more traditonal churches is the framework of a constant liturgy within which I can be whatever I need to be that day.
I can cry if I need to, be angry if I need to, be joyful if I need to, without feeling I'm in the wrong place while a mindless party is going on around me.

But that's just me....