Monday, 19 May 2008

On being outed as losing faith in evangelicals. A conversation I entangled myself in today...

The scene is set at Grace's workplace

ADMINISTRATOR ... so now that we've arranged for you to go to Big Evangelistic Crusade on Thursday at 6, I'll have a ring round the volunteers to see who can cover for your 4.30 meeting with Statutory Agency.

GRACE (looking embarrassed and apologetic) I'm sorry, I should have realised the clash. It was before the honeymoon, though, that I'd arranged with Statutory Agency...

ADMINISTRATOR Really, Grace, don't worry about it. It'll be good experience for a volunteer.

GRACE Yes, but it's still supposed to be my responsibility. It's what I'm paid for here.

ADMINISTRATOR But you'll be wanting to go to Big Evangelistic Crusade, surely.

GRACE There'll be other chances. And all of our volunteers will be wanting to be there, too. I don't want to deprive any of them of the opportunity.

Enter TRUSTEE from stage left

TRUSTEE (interrupting) ... but we don't want to deprive you of the opportunity, Grace.

GRACE Thank you, that's kind.

ADMINISTRATOR So which would you rather do? Go to Big Evangelistic Crusade or a meeting with Statutory Agency?

GRACE I couldn't possibly answer.

TRUSTEE Why not?

GRACE It's not about which I prefer. It's about how I can best be used to serve God.

TRUSTEE That's deep of you.

ADMINISTRATOR But which would you prefer?

GRACE (taking a very deep breath) The meeting with Statutory Agency.


ADMINISTRATOR Right, so if I can't find anyone from amongst the volunteers to cover for the Statutory Agency meeting by the time the coach leaves for Big Evangelistic Crusade, I'll let you know...

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