Monday, 10 March 2008

Working for a Christian organisation: 2008

All sorts of new bits of charity legislation are being introduced in the UK. This basically amounts to an obligation to far more stringenly demonstrate that you're acting for the "public benefit", whatever that means.

The new legislation has been developed, as far as I understand
1. to force schools charging several multiples of my annual salary for each child's education to do either do more to support and develop their communities... or else pay tax like everyone else
2. to stop anyone thinking that so-called Islamist groups are a good thing to give money to

In theory, then, financially-transparent Christian groups that don't threaten violence (well, aside from a bit of ethnic aggravation and low-level intolerance/bigotry) don't have anything whatsoever to fear from this. But the paperwork involved is still quite scary.

Last night I dreamt that the process of transforming previously "exempt organisations" into "faith/faith-based charities" was to be overseen, monitored and evaluated by the Commission for Social Care Inspectorate and Ofsted. I woke up sweating, terrified it might be true.

At work this morning, I sat in front of my computer wondering what would happen if it were.

I think we'd have to improve coffee provision, for a start...

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