Saturday, 20 October 2007

why jesus wept

Jesus, I think, had always intended his followers to express their faith through community. That, I think, he made clear at the Last Supper, through using the at-that-time-familiar symbols of bread and wine to initiate a sacrament which explains that we're all in this together.

Given that he'd created a ritual, I think Jesus had the forsight to realise that his followers would have taken the initiative to create several thousand more. I doubt this has ever bothers him. I think Jesus is broad-minded and flexible enough to go along with anything we use to understand, explain or worship him.

What Jesus hadn't intended, I think, was for humanity to create endless structures and hierachies to attempt to dictate to one another how to think and believe. And working in an evangelical setting, it sometimes feels to me that the Church does little else.

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